  • 产品名称:绿巨人官网网址

  • 产品型号:byko-test 9500
  • 产品厂商:德国BYK
  • 产品价格:0
  • 折扣价格:0
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byko-test 9500绿巨人官网网址是老款byko-test 8500的升级替代款。

byko-test 9500绿巨人官网网址介绍:

Thickness Measurement

· Measuring Range

0 - 3000 µm

· Measuring Range

0 - 118 mil

· Accuracy

Fe: 0-2000µm: ± (1 μm + 2 %)
NFe: 0-2000µm: ± (2 μm + 2 %)
Fe & NFe > 2000µm ± 3 %

· Measuring area, min.

14.5 mm ø

· Measuring area, min.

0.6 in ø

· Minimum Curvature

Fe (NFe) convex: 4 mm (30mm) with 2-point-adjustment, zero and 250 μm on original substrate 6 mm (50 mm) with zero adjustment on original substrate

· Minimum Curvature

Fe (NFe) convex: 0.16 in (1.2 in) with 2-point-adjustment, zero and 9 mils on original substrate 0.24 in (2 in) with zero adjustment on original substrate

· Minimum substrate thickness

Fe (NFe) 25 μm (20 µm) with 2-point-adjustment, zero and 250 μm on original substrate 100 μm (50 µm) with zero adjustment on original substrate

· Minimum substrate thickness

Fe (NFe) 1 mil (0.8 mils) with 2-point-adjustment, zero and 9 mils on original substrate 4 mils (2 mils) with zero adjustment on original substrate

· Resolution

Adjustable: 0,1 µm (0,1 mils) or 0,01 µm (0,01 mils)


· Interface


· Power supply

2 x AA Batteries 1.5 V Alkali, or rechargeable AA 1.2 V

· Weight

0.27 kg

· Operating temperature

-20 - 70 °C

· Storing temperature

-20 - 70 °C

· Operating temperature

-4 - 158 °F

· Storing temperature

-4 - 158 °F

· Dimensions: L x W x H

16 x 6.8 x 3.8 cm

· Dimensions: L x W x H

6.3 x 2.7 x 1.5 in